As we navigate the coronavirus pandemic, we are especially sensitive to the health and well-being of all. It is the responsibility of each student to adhere to the posted Saint Augustine’s University policies and procedures. Students should also be attentive to local and state regulations and ordinances in place to limit the spread of COVID-19.

We expect that everyone on campus will understand the critical impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, take personal responsibility in following these Community Standards, and encourage others to do so. Our first and preferred approach to assure compliance with these standards will be through education and communication.

We are asking all to adhere to the University Policies and Procedures and local and state ordinances during the pandemic and recovery and if not, students may be subject to disciplinary action.

Face Coverings

For face coverings to be most effective, they must be used properly. To help keep our community safe, Saint Augustine’s University requires the use of face coverings for all students, faculty, staff, visitors, and vendors/contractors when in common areas, or when physical distancing of six feet or more cannot be maintained, with few exceptions. Studies have shown that wearing a face covering greatly reduces the probability of transmitting the virus that causes COVID- 19.

Face Covering Requirements and Reminders

  • All students and employees are required to wear face coverings in classrooms, common areas, going to and from the dining room, and wherever social distancing is not possible.
  • Please also help ensure that guests, visitors, vendors, or others with whom you are coordinating a campus visit know that they will be required to wear face coverings while on our campus.
  • Face coverings are not substitutes for physical distancing.
  • A limited supply of face coverings is available in the Office of the Dean of Students in the Hunter Building, Residential Hall, Campus Police Station and Gordon Health Center.
  • Cloth masks or face coverings should be washed daily. Also, remember to wash hands prior to handling face coverings and avoid touching the front of the mask/face covering when securing it on your face.
  • Wash your hands after removing the face mask. When using a mask intermittently in a single day or evening, store it in a paper bag between uses.

If anyone on campus is not wearing a face covering in a common area or situation where social distancing requirements cannot consistently be maintained, the individual will be reminded to put on a face covering. This reminder may come from anyone on our campus. It is important that we do this for each other to keep our community safe. Requirements to wear face coverings will be enforced for all campus community members.

Exceptions to Wearing Face Coverings

A face covering is not required in the following circumstances:

  • While actively eating or drinking.
  • While in campus residence hall rooms and alone.
  • During Saint Augustine’s University approved outdoor photo/video shoots. Other than those approved by Saint Augustine’s University, individuals included in group photos should wear face coverings and practice physical distancing.

At least six feet of physical distance should always be maintained, even during the circumstances listed above when a face covering is not required. Individuals should carry a face covering with them at all times while on campus in case unexpected situations arise when 6 feet of physical distance cannot be maintained.

Physical Distancing

  • Students and employees should avoid close personal contact and always maintain a minimum of 6 feet apart.
  • Campus community members should remain mindful of physical distancing and follow occupancy requirements in small spaces such as elevators, stairwells, and restrooms.
  • Faculty and staff with individual offices should consider working with office doors closed.
  • Eat in locations that allow for physical distancing such as outside, in a private room or office with the door closed.
  • When in person meetings are necessary, maintain a minimum of 6 feet apart and consider the use of outdoor meeting spaces.


  • Engage in frequent handwashing for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use hand sanitizers and wipes frequently.
  • Wiping commonly touched surfaces before and after use is recommended.
  • Use disposable tissues to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.

Expectations for Campus Common Areas, Classrooms, Meeting Rooms, Restrooms and Elevators

  • Follow all campus and residential policies and procedures requirements (i.e., expectations for face coverings, physical distancing etc.).
  • Adhere to the posted limits on the number of people permitted in campus common areas (such as lobbies and lounge areas) classrooms, meeting rooms, restrooms, and elevators.

Residence Life Expectations for the Residence Halls

Please know these expectations are designed to keep the community safe, therefore they are not optional. Everyone who lives on campus must adhere to all expectations.

While living on campus, you and your classmates will be expected to do the following:

  • Follow all campus and residential polices and procedure requirements.
  • Observe limited occupancies in common spaces in the residence halls. Adhere to the posted limits on the number of people permitted in community areas such as laundry rooms, elevators and residence hall kitchens.
  • Limit of one guest per resident per visit in a resident’s room; note that the visitor can only be another Saint Augustine’s University resident from within the same building.
  • Limit your interactions off campus unless for work or essential business. Then follow CDC and other guidance for wearing face coverings and physical distancing, along with frequent hand washing.
  • Limit off campus travel.
  • Be aware that if you are symptomatic or knowingly come into contact with an individual who is COVID positive, you may be relocated temporarily to an isolation space.
  • Understand that you could be relocated to clean, disinfect, or otherwise treat an area in which you live.
  • A campus residence hall will be used for isolation/quarantine; residents will be made aware of which areas are set aside for this purpose. Meals will be dropped off to these rooms each day.
  • Room changes may be restricted for safety precautions.
  • The Gordon Health Center will notify students if they need to be tested or if there is a need to quarantine or isolate.

Reporting Process and Outcomes

Violations in the Residence Halls

Violations of Saint Augustine’s University COVID-19 Policies and Procedures in the residence halls should be reported to the Resident Assistant (RA) on duty or Resident Director (RD) or Assistant Resident Director (ARD) on duty at using the number provided to residents by the Residence Life Staff. The report should include a description of what occurred, who was involved, and the location of the incident. Any violation of the Saint Augustine’s University Violations should be reported in a timely manner, and as close to the time of the incident as possible.

After receiving notice of the violation, the RA on duty will investigate the situation. The RA may solicit the assistance of the RD if there are any questions involving how to handle the violation or additional backup and support in resolving the incident is needed.

During the investigation of the incident, if the RA on duty finds a student in violation of the COVID-19 Policies and Procedures, they will inform the student of the violation and request that the student comply with the COVID-19 Policies and Procedures. At the conclusion of the incident, the RA on duty will also submit an incident report (using the incident report form). The RA on duty should submit/email the incident report to the RD of the residence hall in which the incident occurred. The RD should submit/email the incident report to the Dean of Students in the AM. If the violation was observed by an RD or ARD will complete an incident report and keep it on file with their student records and send a copy to the Dean of Students.

Reporting Process for Violations

After a report is filed for a violation of the Saint Augustine’s University COVID-19 Policies and Procedures, the Dean of Students will review the incident report and determine whether an Educational Warning for the violation should suffice, or if it should be referred to the Judicial Conduct Board. If the Dean of Students determines that the incident will not be referred to the Judicial Conduct Board, then violations will be addressed by the Dean of Students. A student who wishes to appeal the decision must go through the Appeals Process.

Violations Occurring in Campus Common Areas, Classrooms, and Meeting Rooms

Violations of Saint Augustine’s University COVID-19 Policies and Procedures should be submitted in writing and directed to the Office of the Dean of Students via email at with the subject line: COVID-19 Policies and Procedures Violation. The report should include a date of the incident, description of what occurred, who was involved, and the location of the incident. Any violation of the Saint Augustine’s University COVID-19 Policies and Procedures should be reported in a timely manner, and as close to the time of the incident as possible.

After the Office of the Dean of Students receives notice of the violation, the incident will be referred to the Judicial Conduct Board. The Judicial Conduct Board will determine if an Educational Warning will be issued or if other sanctions will be applied.

Violations Occurring Off-Campus

Students who are off campus and violate Saint Augustine’s University Community Standards and/or local and state ordinances and regulations may be subject to the student disciplinary process and sanctions through the Student Conduct process. Reports of violations may be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students,